Национальный стандарт РФ ГОСТ Р 1.12-2004"Стандартизация в Российской Федерации. Термины и определения"(утв. приказом Федерального агентства по техническому регулированию и метрологии от 30 декабря 2004 г. N 159-ст)
all-Russian classifier of technical, economic and social information | 2.5 |
approval of a national standard | 2.14 |
authorized scientific organization for standardization | 2.3 |
company standard | 2.6 |
dated reference (to standard) | 2.22 |
distribution of a national standard | 2.18 |
estimation of the scientific and technical level of standard | 2.13 |
exclusive reference (to standard) | 2.25 |
expert examination of the draft standard | 2.12 |
general reference (to standard) | 2.24 |
indicative reference (to standard) | 2.26 |
information on amendment to a national standard | 2.16 |
intellectual property | 2.28 |
list of organization provided with national standards | 2.19 |
mark of conformity to national standards | 2.20 |
national standard of the Russian Federation | 2.4 |
national standards body of the Russian Federation | 2.2 |
national standards programme | 2.9 |
notification of an approved national standard | 2.15 |
notification of termination of the public discussion on a national draft standard | 2.11 |
notification on development of a national standard | 2.10 |
official publication of a national standard | 2.17 |
reference standard | 2.27 |
reference to standard (in a normative document) | 2.21 |
rules [norms] of standardization | 2.7 |
Russian national standardization | |
standards recommendations | 2.8 |
undated reference (to standard) | 2.23 |